• Development of the National Wildlife Conservation Education Strategy for Uganda.
  • Conducting a feasibility study and accommodation master plan for Uganda Police Force
  • Conducting a beneficiary satisfaction survey for World Bank funded participating Municipal local government under the USMID project for 2021/2022 that is going to shape further implementation.
  • Development and implementation of a Resettlement Action Plan for acquisition of land for the petroleum products pipeline from Hoima to Kampala (ongoing)
  • Implementation of a Resettlement Action Plan for Acquisition of Land for oil refinery in Kabaale Buseruka, Hoima. The same land acquisition has paved way for the construction of international airport that is near completion
  • Development of a master plan and Strategic Environment Assessment of transforming the Source of the Nile River area into an international tourism destination. The assignment involved conducting benchmarking studies in the Nile Delta of Egypt.
  • Beneficiary satisfaction and social accountability surveys within World Bank / USIMID/ programme participating Local Government municipal councils for 2019/2020 that shaped the implementation of the current phase of activities.
  • Development of a National Community Systems Strengthening Plan for HIV, AIDS AND TP, funded by the Global fund through TASO.
  • Feasibility study of infrastructure rehabilitation and development at Uganda Wildlife Research and Training Institute.
  • Development of a Community Score Card for community-based monitoring of Health Services in Uganda, funded by the Global Fund through TASO
  • Customizing of the Elegu Boarder market Master Plan for Rwakhakha Site funded by COMESA through the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives.
  • Development of state of Land use Compliance Report for Uganda’s Municipalities and Town councils. The recent upgrade of Municipalities to Cities and Town Councils to Municipalities in Uganda was guided by the outcome of this study
  • Provision of voters’ education for 2016 Elections for Northern Uganda sub region
  • Facilitation of voter education for 2021 general elections
  • Development of a long-term development Plan and business and investment Profile for Moroto District.
  • Community mobilization and sensitization of Karamoja sub region ahead of geophysical mapping of minerals.
  • Community mobilization and stakeholder engagement for establishment of satellite conservation education centre in Mbale Uganda.
  • Environmental and social impact assessment for the proposed project on the establishment of value addition and processing plants in Uganda under the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries.
  • Baseline survey on issuance of certificates of customary ownership of communal land in selected Sub counties in Adjuman and Kabale Districts.
  • Evaluation and re-development of a business plan for farming systems for Uganda Prisons.
  • Training and capacity building of cross boarder women traders at Mirama Hills funded by the World Bank under the Uganda National Roads Authority.
  • Feasibility study for the establishment of satellite conversation education centres in Mbale and Mbarara.
  • Feasibility study for the establishment of satellite wildlife conservation education center in Fort portal
  • Development of a Master Plan for Moroto Regional Referral Hospital
  • Preparation of a 5 year strategic plan for Kabale Regional Referral Hospital)
  • Preparation of a 5 year strategic plan for Lira Regional Referral Hospital)
  • Preparation of a 5 year strategic plan for Soroti Regional Referral Hospital)
  • Development of a gender profile for Arua District.
  • Conducted capacity building in different thematic modules for district local governments specifically for Bukwo, Apac, Amolatah, ButalejaYumbe Pallisa Amuria Maracha- Terego and Kapchorwa Districts.