• Kosea Wambaka, John Mutenyo. Impact of Bilateral and Multilateral Aid on Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Mediating Role of Institutional Quality. Journal of Business and Economic Development. Vol.7, No.2, 2022, pp.54-62. Doi:10.11648/j.jbed.20220702.13.
  • Kosea Wambaka, Omotayo Adeniyi Adegbuyi. Product Differentiation Strategy and Perceived Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Uganda. International Journal of Business and Management Invention. Volume 10 Issue 7 Ser. II || July 2021 || PP 52-60.
  • Wambaka, K. (2022). Cost‐Leadership Strategy and Perceived Financial Performance of Selected Commercial Banks in Uganda. Journal of Business Management and Economic Research (JOBMER), Vol: 6, Issue: 2, 52‐65.
  • Kosea Wambaka. Impact of bilateral and multilateral aid on domestic savings of Sub-Sahara African countries and the Mediating Role of Institutional Quality. Journal of Economics and International Finance. Vol. 14(4), pp.103-111, October- December 2022 DOI: 10.5897/JEIF2022.1174.
  • Kosea Wambaka, Omotayo Adeniyi Adegbuyi. Product Differentiation Strategy and Perceived Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Uganda: Moderating Effect of Managerial Discretion. Journal of Business and Management. Volume 23, Issue 7. Ser. II (July 2021), PP 53-59.
  • Kosea Wambaka. Impact of Bilateral and Multilateral Aid on Domestic Savings in Low and Middle-Income Sub Sahara African Countries: Mediating Role of Institutional Quality being published by Journal of International Business Research. 2022 Volume 16, p26.
  • Impact of Bilateral and Multilateral Aid on Economic Growth in Low and Middle-Income Sub Sahara African Countries: Mediating Role of Institutional Quality. International Business Research. 2023, vol. 16, issue 1, 44